Référence de typographie CSS Bootstrap

Paramètres par défaut de Bootstrap

La taille de police globale par défaut de Bootstrap est de 14 pixels, avec une hauteur de ligne de 1,428.

Ceci est appliqué au <body> et à tous les paragraphes.

De plus, tous les éléments <p> ont une marge inférieure égale à la moitié de leur hauteur de ligne calculée (10px par défaut).


Les éléments ci-dessous sont des éléments HTML qui seront stylisés un peu différemment par Bootstrap que les valeurs par défaut du navigateur. Regardez les exemples "Essayez-le" pour voir le résultat/les différences.

Les classes ci-dessous sont utilisées pour styliser davantage les éléments.

Element/Class Description Example
<h1> - <h6>
.h1 - .h6
h1 - h6 headings
<small> Creates a lighter, secondary text in any heading

Heading (secondary text)

.small Indicates smaller text (set to 85% of the size of the parent): Smaller text
.lead Makes a text stand out: Stand out text
Highlights text: Highlighted text
<del> Indicates deleted text: Deleted text
<s> Indicates no longer relevant text: No longer relevant text
<ins> Indicates inserted text: Inserted text
<u> Indicates underlined text: Underlined text
<strong> Indicates bold text: Bold text
<em> Indicates italic text: Italic text
.text-left Indicates left-aligned text
.text-center Indicates center-aligned text
.text-right Indicates right-aligned text
.text-justify Indicates justified text
.text-nowrap Indicates no wrap text
.text-lowercase Indicates lowercased text: LOWERCASED TEXT
.text-uppercase Indicates uppercased text: uppercased text
.text-capitalize Indicates capitalized text: capitalized text
<abbr> The <abbr> element indicates an abbreviation or acronym. Abbreviations with a title attribute have a dotted bottom border and a help cursor on hover, providing additional context on hover.
.initialism Displays the text inside the <abbr> element in a slightly smaller font size
<address> Presents contact information
<blockquote> Indicates blocks of content from another source
.blockquote-reverse Indicates a blockquote with right-aligned content
<ul> Indicates an unordered list
<ol> Indicates an ordered list
.list-unstyled Removes the default list-style and left margin on list items (works on both <ul> and <ol>). This class only applies to immediate children list items (to remove the default list-style from any nested lists, apply this class to any nested lists as well)
.list-inline Places all list items on a single line
<dl> Indicates a description list
.dl-horizontal Lines up the terms and descriptions in the <dl> element side-by-side. Starts off like default <dl>s, but when the browser window expands, it will line up side-by-side


Element/Class Description Example
<var> Indicates variables: x = ab + y
<kbd> Indicates input that is typically entered via the keyboard: CTRL + P
<pre> Indicates multiple lines of code
<pre class="pre-scrollable"> Indicates multiple lines of code with scrollbar
<samp> Indicates sample output from a computer program: Sample output
<code> Indicates inline snippets of code: span, div